So I completely forgot to put the reference images onto my first three submissions and every time I attempt to edit them to add them on the site decides to shut me out. So I'm going to just have to list them here for now.
DA Raynesinnette- Leiya OC Ref: nette-375257914?q=favby%3Araynesinnette%2F550690 42&qo=10
Arodynamics Art Freebie Ref: ink/My%20Avi%20Art/gonnagettentacled.png
(girl on the right)
The Maiden Goddess Art Freebi Ref: 5ea9a750bdcdee160cae/ /albums/pp103/Lovely_Lost_Love/Cute2_zpsd05ef9eb .png
I shall try to be more conscious of this in the future but I have a god awful memory so this will almost certainly happen again. *trudges off to draw more freebies*
Oh! And if you ever want some art from me, just drop me a PM and I'd be happy to work something out for you.
You're assuming people care about "reference images.' Don't sweat it. :)
Nawe it's mostly to give credit back to the original characters' creators. They all made awesome avatars so I thought it only fair to give them a shout out. My work wouldn't even be half as decent without their initial creativity so it doesn't feel right to me when I forget their references.